Motherload - the Cargobike Documentary VT Premiere!

Past event
Sep 27, 2019, 6:30 to 8 PM

We're immensely proud to announce the premier Vermont screening of MOTHERLOAD, an inspiring, internationally-released documentary about cargo bikes and doing what we say and mean. The more of us that we move in this direction the far more clear & powerful our message. It's that simple!

So, whether you ride a bike, cargo bike, e-bike or walk, use transit or drive a car, MOTHERLOAD is so important to see. It's the basis for Greta Thunberg's amazing activism - walk the talk or at the very least support those that do!
In fact, in Europe & especially in Germany, e-cargo bikes are outselling electric cars! There's an understanding that reinventing the automobile, with its impacts on our bodies, our communities and the planet, is not where we have to go. Relocalizing, building vibrant communities and coming back to the world smells, sounds and feels so much better.

And what is really cool is that Brattleboro and VBike are featured in MOTHERLOAD. There's colorful footage of downtown Brattleboro followed by a scene of a VBike free bicycle consultation with a Brattleboro family.

The documentary then flows to VBike founder, Dave Cohen, delivering an exploration of the sensory, emotional, social & ecological isolation that occurs within the automobile. The film then riffs on these ideas and then goes deeper into this theme.

And then there are all the powerful scenes of how parents throughout the US riding their bikes and literally creating change as they go. Just wait till you see how Emily Finch carried her 6 kids. This is a story about making the mundane extraordinary!!

MOTHERLOAD is this Friday, Sept 27th at 6:30 pm at the Retreat Farm in Brattleboro. To learn more, check out or watch the trailer:

It's an outdoor showing, so bring warm clothes.

{And join the Critical Mass bike ride before the film! We'll meet at the Brattleboro Commons at 5:30.}

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