Town Forest Invasives Pull Party

Past event
Sep 28, 2019, 9 AM to 1 PM

The town is aiming for Invasive Plant Pull Parties twice a year to stay on top of the relatively low amount of invasive plants in the Barre Town Forest.

The next Pull Party is Saturday September 28, 9am-1pm. Lunch provided! We'll be splitting into Weed Warrior Teams of 3, including one person per team who can id the invasive plant species. We'd like a minimum of 6 volunteers because we currently have 3 plant ID-ers, thanks to the Vermont Land Trust. If we can find 1-2 more people with plant identification skills we can increase the number of teams.

Please contact me if you're interested, and note whether you have experience identifying plants! 479-9331, or

Stay tuned too for details about the Invasive Plant workshop coming up on Thursday, September 26, 6pm-8pm, at the Barre Town Municipal Building at 149 Websterville Rd. Light dinner provided.

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