Stop the Mass Extinction

Past event
Sep 17, 2019, 5:30 to 8 PM

Please join us and save the date!

September 17, 2019 @ 5:30pm
Queen City Brewery's Event Space
703 Pine Street, Burlington, Vermont

An insider's update on the efforts to save the critically endangered African black rhino

Presented by
1. Peter Hetz – Executive Director of Laikipia Wildlife Forum, Laikipia, Kenya

2. Tara Hetz – Creator and trip leader for Adventure for Rhinos

3. Ashley Prout McAvey - Vermont For Wildlife- an all-volunteer, grassroots organization dedicated to educate and raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation in the State of Vermont through public policy and legislative action.

5:30pm Doors open so people can get beers before the talks 
6:00   Welcome & Video Screening
6:20 Presentations
7:15 Live Auction
The African Black Rhino isn't always the sexiest of the great savanna species. It really doesn't feature in the 'Lion King", but the efforts to save the last of these iconic animals are intensely provocative and personal. In a world where rhino horn per ounce, is worth more than gold, what future do these animals have??

Join us for an early evening of conservation as practiced in Kenya, and learn how we combine the 4 Cs = conservation, commerce, community, culture in a successful effort to protect the continent's endangered species.

And what can we do from Vermont! Come help make Vermont the 11th state to stop illegal wildlife trafficking and help stop this mass extinction that is occurring.

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