Got toxic chemicals in your shed, garage, basement or lying aorund the house? If you have old bleach, cleaning products, pesticides, herbicides, automotive fluids, or any other chemical with the words "hazard", "warning", or "caution" on the label, bring them to the Bradford Town Garage this Saturday, August 10, for the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District's Household Hazardous Waste collection. The event runs 9 am - 1 pm, and costs $20 per vehicle for CVSWMD district residents.*
Businesses and schools must pre-register and call ahead to 802-229-9383 x105.
To learn more about what is household hazardous waste, go to:
To see our complete 2019 haz waste collection event schedule, go to:
*CVSWMD member towns include:
Barre City, Barre Town, Berlin, Bradford, Calais, Chelsea, Duxbury, East Montpelier, Fairlee, Hardwick, Middlesex, Montpelier, Orange, Plainfield, Tunbridge, Walden, Washington, Williamstown, Woodbury
Out-of-district residents pay $100 per carload.
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