Cabot Artisans Gallery Rug Hooking Workshop

Past event
Jul 19, 2019, 10 AM to 4 PM

This workshop is designed for those with some experience in rug hooking. We will focus on colors and how to use 6-8 values in fine shading. Sandy will also teach varied techniques on decorative stitches using textured wools. Techniques covered in this class can be used to design and create any type of hooked rug. Sandy specializes in fine shading of flowers, animals, landscapes, etc. and works with #3, #4, and #5 cuts. Participants can bring their own project or have Sandy design and color plan the project. Additional materials fees may apply. Participants will need to supply hooking tools: frame, hook, scissors, and cutter if available.

TO REGISTER FOR A WORKSHOP, CONTACT Sandy Ducharme @ 802-563-2745

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