Resting Awareness: Deepening The Practice Of Savasana
What is "resting awareness"? Resting awareness is a state of complete presence. It is, for most of us, a practice to work with (throughout a lifetime!) that teaches how to let go while remaining aware of our current experience. Savasana helps take this practice to the next level while asking the practitioner to also remain in stillness. With the body and mind centered, the nervous system as well as our entire being has an opportunity to hit the reset button.
What makes savasana a difficult pose goes so much further beyond the body. It requires a transition from external awareness to resting awareness. The transition itself is a practice that mirrors how transitions in life are made gracefully or with struggle. Do you struggle with change or when things don't go according to plan? This workshop is also an opportunity to learn how to let go.
This is also a wonderful tool to help manage pain (acute or otherwise), recovery from illness and injury, or to support struggles with mental health.
Explore and enjoy a rejuvenating afternoon with gentle movement (asana), breath work (pranayama) and a deep, fulfilling extended corpse pose (savasana).
More than just a nap at the end of class savasana is an opportunity for your whole being to settle into "resting awareness", a balanced state somewhere between waking and sleeping. Noted as the most difficult of all poses, savasana is supported by all other yogic practices. Explore some of the challenges of savasana (including falling asleep!) and how to overcome them through the system of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
Sunday, June 9, 1-3
Embodied, 7 Main Street, Montpelier
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