Planning Commission Info/Listening Session for Zoning

Past event
May 9, 2019, 7 to 9 PM

Dear friend and neighbor,
You are invited to give us your feedback on our zoning proposals.
The Richmond Planning Commission is proposing changes to the zoning regulations in the core village area. We encourage your participation in our public meetings, or your response on our survey if you are unable to attend:

Thursday May 9th, 2019
7pm at the Town Center Meeting Room

7:00pm: Call to Order

7:01pm-7:15pm: Presentation of the Proposal by Town Planner

7:15pm-8:00pm: Public Comment Regarding Jolina Court District Proposal

8:00pm-8:45pm: Public Comment Regarding Village Downtown District Proposal

8:45pm-9:00pm: Planning Commission Discussion about feedback gathered

(commentary about the Density Bonus Proposal is welcome during the entire public commenting portion of the meeting)

Draft Proposals and Other Information can be found here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact the town planner Jessica Draper,

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