Powerful Tools for Caregivers April 2- May 7

Past event
Apr 2, 2014

Feeling stretched as a family caregiver? Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a 6-week class designed to help you care for yourself as you care for others. The focus is on stress reduction, communication skills, helpful resources, problem-solving and action planning. Powerful Tools for Caregivers will be held on Wednesdays, April 2 - May 7, 3:00 - 5:00 pm at Central Vermont Council on Aging, 59 N. Main Street, Suite 200 in Barre. A suggested donation of $20 to help defray the cost of the Caregiver Helpbook is appreciated, but not required to attend. For more information and to register, visit http://www.cvcoa.org/powerful-tools

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