The Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance will hold a household hazardous waste collection event on Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Bennington Transfer Station, 904 Houghton Lane, Bennington, VT 05201. This event is free for residents and second home property owners of the towns of Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Glastenbury, Manchester, Pownal, Rupert, Sandgate, Searsburg, Shaftsbury, Stamford, Sunderland and Woodford. We will also be accepting over-the-counter and prescription medications. Businesses must pre-register by May 3, 2018 with Joe Gay at 802-236-5973 and must pay for disposal costs. Visit for more information.
If you can't make the event, visit for more information on how you can safely dispose of computers and electronics, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, mercury devices and paint at locations in Bennington County nearly every day without having to wait for the HHW event. Click on any of the symbols (e.g., Batteries, Computers & Electronics, Disposing Pharmaceuticals, etc.) to find locations for disposing the listed items. Contact Michael S. Batcher (; 802-442-0713 x 2) for more information.
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