3rd Annual Montpelier Pedestrian Scramble

Past event
May 4, 2019, 1:45 to 4 PM

A Pedestrian Scramble is an urban adventure. Its main purpose is to encourage walking and exploring an urban area, in this case Montpelier. All ages may participate. You may participate as a group (which most choose) or as an individual. Participants show up in front of Montpelier City Hall at 1:45 PM . They will receive a map of the destinations, a description of the destinations, and a list of questions about each destination. Up until 2 PM, when participants may depart, participants can plan their route. Each destination is assigned a certain number of points. Participants may compete to see who gets the most points as a secondary goal. Each participant will receive a small gift and there will be two major prizes, VBSR Buy Local Coupon Books (each valued at $20.) One will be for the overall winner with the most points and another prize for the 'family with children and senior category.' with the most points. This event will go on, rain or shine. If you want more detail , go the the Kellogg Hubbard Community Table or call Harris Webster 223 7399. It will be helpful if you bring a writing utensil and backing for writing your answers. Use common sense in prepping. This fun event is brought to you by Montpelier's Complete Streets Committee and is a part of Montpelier Alive's Mayfest.

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