Dear Neighbors,
What do you think of when you hear "at risk youth"? I think of kids of all ages, but mostly teens out on the street because they don't have a safe place to call home, or perhaps they were thrown out of their home. I think of kids who need love and nurturing. But perhaps most of all they need to know that someone cares about them. While growing up in southern California I knew kids who joined gangs because it gave them an instant family who cared about them and if they didn't have a physical home they were at home when they were with their "homies". Too often these kids got into trouble and entered a downward spiral of crime. Very sad. So much potential lost.
As I hope you know, we have youth in OUR community who are in need of a home, in need of support, in need of acceptance for who they are.
I am sleeping outside on March 21st to raise much needed funds for Spectrum Youth and Family Services. I hope that many of you, if not most/all, have heard of Spectrum. Their mission is quite simple: "Our mission is to empower teenagers, young adults, and their families to make and sustain positive changes through prevention, intervention, and life skills services.". Founded in 1970, Spectrum is a nationally recognized leader in helping youth ages 12-26 and their families turn their lives around. Each year, they serve 1,500 teenagers, young adults, and their family members. The work they do costs money. I hope that you'll help me help Spectrum by making a gift via my fund raising page by using the link below.
Support Spectrum Now...[...]090
I'll leave you with a podcast that illustrates the sadness and the incredible loss of potential of just one "at risk youth". The podcast is one of my very favorites. I hope you'll listen to it. it's by acclaimed journalist, author and public speaker Malcolm Gladwell and is only 30 minutes long. And if inspired, I hope you'll give so that Spectrum can help kids like Carlos in our community.
Carlos Doesn't Remember ...
If you've heard this podcast before, I'd like you to consider listening again. It's worthwhile. I've recently listened to it a few times.
To end on a note about Spectrum and the Sleep Out … Consider this from their website: "The event requires so few expenses that 98% of every dollar will go directly to help our youth."
I look forward to your support!
Mar 8, 2025, 1 to 2 PM
Ward 1 NPA March 12 Friends Meeting HouseMar 12, 2025, 6:30 PM
The Art of Mentoring: Be a Guiding Light with PresenceMar 12, 2025, 9 to 10 PM