Eagle Scout Project Bottle Drive

Past event
Mar 16, 2019, 8:30 AM to 3 PM

Who: My name is Lucas Parascando and I am a Junior at South Burlington High School and a Boy Scout in Troop 658. I am also a violinist with the Vermont Youth Orchestra.

What: I will be collecting bags of bottles placed on driveways to deliver to the Beverage Warehouse Bottle Redemption Center to raise money for my Eagle Scout Project.

Where: The neighborhoods inclusive of Cobblestone Circle, Butler Farms, Highland Terrace/Dubois Drive, and Cider Mill Drive. (Though Dorset Farms was included on flyers passed door to door, it has been removed as we cannot collect there due to time and resource constraints.)

When: Pickup will be between 8:30am-3:00pm on two dates: Saturday 3/16 and 3/30.

Beneficiary: The money earned will purchase supplies for me to build picnic tables for the Vermont Youth Orchestra at the Elley Long Music Center in Colchester, Vermont.

With your bottle donations I can reach my goal! Thank you for your consideration.

*For questions concerning the bottle drive or individual donations please call (802) 860-2934.

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