Moretown Energy Committee Update & Meeting Notice

Past event
Mar 14, 2019, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

I'm writing to introduce myself as Moretown's new Energy Coordinator, and to let you know about some opportunities coming up for our town this year. As the Planning Commission mentioned in their Town Report update, Moretown will be working with the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission to review and update energy-related sections of our town plan. Our goal is to meet new guidelines for enhanced energy planning that will strengthen our plan and give us a stronger voice in energy siting decisions. The Moretown Energy Committee will spearhead these efforts over the next 9 months, and there will be multiple opportunities for community input as our planning efforts proceed.

If you'd like to be involved in the energy planning review process or would like to learn more about it, please be in touch ( We'll be holding a kickoff planning meeting this Thursday, 3/14 at 6:30pm at the Moretown Elementary School (multi-purpose room), and would welcome any interested Moretown residents to attend. On Tuesday, 3/19, enhanced energy planning next steps will also be discussed at the Moretown Planning Commission's regularly scheduled public meeting at 6:30pm in the Moretown Elementary School library.

I'll share upcoming energy-related items of interest and opportunities with you, and encourage you to reach out with any questions or ideas about Moretown's energy future.


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