The next dance in the "Montpelier Contra Dance" series will be this coming Saturday, March 2nd. We'll start with a newcomers' instruction session at about 7:30, led by the dance caller for the evening, Nils Fredland. If you are new to this type of dancing, or just want a refresher, come at 7:30! We'll follow this with 3 hours of fun dancing starting at 8:00.
Contra dances are presented on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday evenings, at the Capital City Grange Hall in Berlin. The Hall is located 6612 Rt. 12 (aka Northfield St), Berlin VT 05602 (for GPS) just south of the I-89 overpass, a mile from downtown Montpelier. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for kids and low-income. Or be a dance supporter and pay a bit more--all of the money goes to the caller, the band, and the sound person, plus rent to the Grange.
We suggest light, comfortable clothing, clean soft-soled shoes to protect the beautiful dance floor, and a water bottle to keep hydrated.
Mar 10, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
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