Military Whist (Community Card Game)

Past event
Mar 1, 2019, 6:45 PM

Join us for Military Whist at Burnham Hall this Friday March 1st at 6:45 PM.

Who can play? If you can recognize the order of cards and hold 13 of them at time, you can probably learn Whist.

How do I play?
The room is divided into card tables with four players each. They constitute a team or "fort". Each round consist of two players from each fort traveling to another fort and playing that fort's remaining two players. You are playing for a flag is round; the fort with the most flags at the end of the night - wins!

Object: To win a majority of the 13 tricks in a hand and to score points.

The cards: Standard 52-card deck, with ace being high.

Dealing: Oldest, visiting lady deals. The dealer deals 13 cards to each player, starting with the player to the dealer's left and continuing clockwise. The suit of Hearts is always wild or "trump".

Playing: Players follow suit if possible. If they are void, they may play any card, including trump. The highest card of the suit led wins the trick unless a trump is played in which case the highest trump wins. The winner of each trick leads to the next.

Scoring: The first team to score seven tricks, wins.

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