Sunday, February 10, 2019
2:00 p.m.
Black History Month History Detectives
Children ages 7 to 12 are invited to become "History Detectives" in this interactive Rokeby Museum program. They will meet Simon, Jesse, Jeremiah Snowden, and others — all fugitives from slavery who were sheltered at Rokeby as they examine the evidence — letters from the Museum collection — to discover what these people felt, what was important to them, and what they did to make their lives better.
Also on February 10, the museum's award-winning multi-media exhibit "Free & Safe: the Underground Railroad in Vermont" will be open from noon to 5:00 p.m.
$8/adult; $6/children age 5 and up.
Rokeby Museum, 4334 Rte. 7, Ferrisburgh, VT 05464. (802)877-3406
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