Meeting & Speaker: "Making the Green Mountain State"

Past event
Feb 2, 2025, 6 PM

On Sunday evening February 2, the Bread Loaf Section of the Green Mountain Club (GMC) will celebrate our 50th Annual Meeting at the Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society (2 Duane Ct) in Middlebury. All are welcome to attend and learn about GMC activities and events led by our GMC Bread Loaf volunteers. This is an in-person event.

Doors open to the public at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Annual Meeting at 6:30. The business meeting will start at about 6:30 p.m. and will include guests from GMC Exec. Director Mike DeBonis and GMC Board President Nancy McClellan who will join us to celebrate our anniversary. At about 7:30, special guest speaker Will Amidon, geologist and professor of Earth and Climate Science at Middlebury College, will present "Making the Green Mountain State." Amidon will discuss how the landscapes of west-central Vermont evolved over geologic time. He will begin with a walk-through deep time geology and finish with the most recent glaciation. The talk will draw on examples from popular outdoor destinations illustrated with geologic maps and high-resolution LiDAR-based topography.

Amidon is a geologist who grew up in Charlotte Vermont, graduated from CVU in 1997 and Carleton College in 2001 before receiving a MSc from UC Santa Barbara in 2004 and a PhD from Caltech in 2010. He now lives with his wife and two daughters in Cornwall, Vermont. His passion for backcountry skiing has helped him connect deeply with the central Green Mountains over the past 15 years.

Open to the public. Bring your questions about the geology of Vermont's unique landscape!

This event is free and open to the public.

Learn more about the work of the Bread Loaf Section at:

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Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, Duane Court, Middlebury, VT

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