We may be in the throes of winter currently, but before long our neighboring black bears will be coming out of hibernation. How can we peacefully and successfully coexist with the black bears that make Waterbury and vicinity their home? Wildlife Biologist John Buck will present an informative talk on this hot topic, Wednesday evening, February 13th from 6:30-8pm at the Waterbury Public Library. The presentation will include information on black bear biology and their habitat needs, important strategies to avoid destructive or dangerous interactions with bears, and what to do when different bear-related situations occur. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.
John Buck recently retired as a wildlife biologist for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department after 39 years of service. During his career he served as head biologist for the Department's white-tailed deer, black bear, and migratory bird management programs. He also was responsible for the habitat management on over 7000 acres of state-owned wildlife lands. John holds a BS and MS in wildlife biology from the University of Vermont and has lived in Waterbury with his wife Cathy for over 36 years.
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