"Holiday Cheer with Cantiamo"
Cantiamo, Bella Voce Women's Chorus' a cappella touring ensemble, will present a delightful program of festive holiday music at the Brick Church in Williston on Friday, December 7 at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Beautiful carols, and sing-alongs by candelight in this historic setting will make this a highlight of your Christmas season!
The evening performance will begin with the music of Dominique Dodge -- a talented Celtic harpist and singer. And Robert Waldo Brunelle JR will exhibit his acrylic paintings of "The Old Neighborhood".
Tickets can be purchased online, at the door or at the Williston Town Clerk's Office.
Proceeds will benefit the Williston Food Shelf.
The Williston Brick Church is located at 100 Library Lane in Williston.
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