Tobacco Prevention Task Force Meeting & Vaping Update

Past event
Nov 15, 2018, 1 to 3 PM

Healthy Lamoille Valley Tobacco Prevention Task Force Meeting and Cigarette Butt Clean-up, November 15th (1-2pm meeting, 2-3pm Clean-up)

The next Healthy Lamoille Valley Tobacco Prevention Task Force meeting is scheduled for November 15th, the same day as the Great American Smoke Out, an annual event sponsored by the American Cancer Society to encourage Americans to quit smoking. Anyone interested in getting involved with the HLV Task Force can attend the meeting from 1pm to 2pm at the Tegu Building in Morrisville.

At the end of our HLV Tobacco Task Force Meeting at 2pm, weather permitting, we will do a cigarette butt clean up and count in downtown Morrisville. We encourage others to join us for the meeting that starts at 1pm or just from 2-3pm for the clean up. Please meet at 2pm at the Tegu building. If you can't make it, please consider doing a clean up and count in your own community and and send us some pictures and the counts. Youth are welcome!

Vaping devices are changing fast. Many of us are only on the lookout for the Juul device, but there are others in our region. Do you know what the newest devices look like? Find out more at

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