Mt. Philo Inn-vitational: For Serious Sledders & Jack-Jumpers, March 2

Past event
Mar 2, 2014, 1 to 3 PM

1st Annual Mt. Philo Inn-vitational
A Celebration of Serious Sledding and Jack-Jumping
Meet representatives from Vermont made sleds
Hammerhead and Mad River Rocket,
Charlotte’s own world champion jack jumper, Ethan Bond-Watts
Professional sledder, Max Speed
Experienced jack jumpers, local originals

Complimentary lunch and hot chocolate offered to competitors
in our 2000 sq. ft. ballroom with panoramic views of Lake Champlain
adjacent to the famous sledding hill at Mt. Philo State Park

Free Admission
Sunday, March 2 at 1:00 PM

Park at the Mt. Philo Inn and use our Old Carriage Road to walk to the State Park,
or the other way round.

Location: Mt. Philo Inn, 27 Inn Road, Charlotte, Vermont 05445
Just south of Mt. Philo State Park
RSVP: 802-425-3335 or

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