Conservation Committee Meeting Agenda

Past event
Oct 8, 2018

Cabot Conservation Committee Meeting
October 8, 2018
7 PM, Willey Building, 2nd floor


1. Review and approve agenda
2. Review and approve minutes of August 13
3. Public comment
4. Natural Resources Inventory - Invited guest Michael Lew Smith of Arrowwood Environmental to provide information and answer questions about the scope and process of conducting a Natural Resource Inventory for Cabot
5. Outreach Plan for the coming year, including workshops and presentations
6. Other Strategic Plan issues needing attention
7. Discuss Budget proposal for coming fiscal year (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020)
8. Next article for Cabot Chronicle
9. Project Updates - Sawmill Dam, Water Wise Woodlands Grant Project, Green Up Day coordination and next steps, coordination with Cabot Trails Working Group, Molly's Falls Pond State Park, other
10. New member recruitment
11. New Business

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