Introduction to Dna Testing Oct. 6

Past event
Oct 6, 2018, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

DNA testing can be a valuable tool for family history when combined with thorough research. Ed McGuire will discuss the types of tests, the companies who offer them and the range of costs. He'll also cover privacy issues, ethical considerations and situations where these tests are of no value at all. Using real-life examples and actual results from different companies this talk will help most decide if a DNA test will advance their research. Ed will show what the results from each test look like and a general explanation of how they are best utilized. An open-ended Q&A session will follow. There will be a detailed handout with additional resources. Classes are $10.00 and run from 10:30 to noon.

The library is located on Hegeman Avenue in Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester. Visit our website or call 802-310-9285 for more details.

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