The Huntington School Board is meeting next Tuesday, Sept 25th at 6:30 pm in the BPMS library. I will attach the agenda below. Hope to see you there!
In other news, at Monday's CESU/MMMUSD meeting, the board "tabled" the agenda item that would put another merger vote on the ballot this election day (which is a vote from all 5 towns). They meet again October 1st. The State Board of Education met on Wednesday and listened to schools in the southern (final) part of the state who have not merged. They will be issuing their findings in the coming month, but there is still time for community members to submit comments. You can do so electronically at: aoe.section9proposals@vermont.gov and Krista.Huling@vermont.gov and Heather.Bouchey@vermont.gov Write to all 3 to ensure that all State Board of Education members receive them. Thank you!
FYI: the BPMS open house is next Wednesday, the 26th from 6 pm to 7 pm.
(links can be under agenda at https://www.cesuvt.org/school-board/huntingtonboard)
September 25, 2018
6:30 pm
Meeting to be held at Brewster-Pierce Memorial School
1. Public Comment
Comments from the community
2. Old/New Business
Report on electrical usage and net metering @ BPMS -- Jeff Forward
Discuss latest information on merger/AOE proposed plan under Act 46
Discuss upcoming 2019-20 budget cycle and any program changes recommended
Community work days
Discuss and provide feedback on VSBA Resolutions
Board representation at BPMS Open House
3. Consent Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes
Link to 6/12/18 meeting minutes
Link to 7/31/18 meeting minutes
Link to 8/30/18 retreat minutes
b) Link to Principal's Report
c) Link to Superintendent's report
d) Committee Reports (Minutes below)
4. Approve monthly warrants
5. Other Business
6. Plan Next Meeting Agenda
Set date and time for next meeting
Future agenda items
7. Executive Session: Title 1, Sec 313(a)3,1 Personnel/Negotiations (if needed)
Feb 23, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Annual Meeting of the Central Vermont Career Center SdFeb 24, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Chess Club at Richmond Free LibraryMar 1, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM