Hearing for Homer Stone Brook Removal/Relocation

Past event
Sep 11, 2018

A hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall regarding a Homer Stone Brook removal/relocation project near Audy Lane. The state, US Forest Service, and Rutland Natural Resources Conservation District would like your input on a project to assess the potential for berm removal/relocation along Homer Stone Brook near Audy Lane. This stretch of river has been historically straightened and bermed. During tropical storm Irene, the brook breached part of the berm and became trapped on the other side. The brook carved a new path the Otter Creek, causing substantial erosion in the process. The brook was eventually redirected back into its channel and the berms were reconstructed higher. Homer Stone Brook is now confined to this artificially narrow, straightened channel. Restoring Homer Stone Brook's floodplain connections will provide room for flood waters to spread out, slow down, and deposit sediment, reducing the amount that is conveyed directly to the Otter Creek. State and regional officials will provide an overview of the project at the hearing and would like your input.

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