Preview of Aug. 13 City Council Meeting

Past event
Aug 13, 2018, 7 to 9:30 PM

Dear Neighbors,

This Monday, the City Council will convene its first of two meetings for the month of August. We will begin our evening at 6pm with a work session that will include an update on Burlington Telecom and CityPlace Burlington. There is an expected executive session for these updates. The Council meeting will begin immediately after the work session at 7pm.

Prior to our deliberative agenda, we will hear two annual reports, one from the Planning Commission and the other from the Police Commission. This is an opportunity for the Council to get an update from these commissions on the past year's accomplishments and hear about projects and initiatives they will be working on in the coming year.

We have four items on our deliberative agenda. The first is a communication from Neale Lunderville, the Interim CEDO Director, regarding the Moran Plant.

Our second item is a report from the Mural Task Force. The report includes 8 recommendations including updating the City's "Art in Public Places" guidelines, greater outreach when initiating public arts projects, ensuring greater oversight, finding that the City adopt and fund a "History of Burlington" public art project in accordance with new guidelines that would include no less than 4 additional murals within the next five years placed throughout the City. The Task Force recommends new placards to "Everybody Loves a Parade" (ELAP) to better explain the mural's representation. The Task Force also recommends removal of the ELAP from its current location by August 29, 2022. A new mural would be installed using the new guidelines after that time.

The third item is a discussion regarding the rules and regulations of the City Council.

The last item on our deliberative agenda is a resolution referring the Burlington Downtown Improvement District Phase I Assessment to the Charter Change Committee. There are a number of sections of the City Charter which govern the form and function of the Downtown Improvement District. Specifically, a committee looked at downtown parking and transportation with the goal of creating a better customer experience and improving the fiscal sustainability of the City's parking system. The Charter Change Committee will review the initiatives proposed by this committee and the national consultant who made further recommendations. The Council heard a presentation from the consultant in early June.

You are always welcome to come to a Council meeting and speak on any topic you wish during public forum. This begins at a time certain of 7:30 at every Council meeting. You may access the Council agenda at Please note that all Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone. Please go to youtube and type in "Burlington City Council meetings" and the live stream will come up.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. I hope you have a good weekend.

My best,

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