Central Vermont Internet Board Meeting

Past event
Jun 12, 2018, 6 to 9 PM

Hi all-

In addition to serving on the Berlin Selectboard, I also serve as the chair of Central Vermont Internet (CVI), a municipal district tasked with providing high-speed Internet service to its member towns.

The next meeting for CVI's Governing Board will be Tuesday, June 12 at 6 PM at Berlin Elementary School. Here's the agenda:

6:00 Meeting call to order
6:01 Additions or changes to the agenda
6:02 Public comment
6:12 Report back about Certificate of Organization
6:15 Michael Birnbaum broadband primer presentation
6:45 Jeremy Hansen presentation (vision/EC Fiber background)
7:15 CVI Rules of Procedure (report back from Bylaw/Policy Committee)
7:50 CVI Conflict of Interest Policy (Bylaw/Policy Committee)
8:25 Future presentations/connections
8:35 Review of back burner/pending items & assignment of committee tasks
8:55 Approval of May 8th meeting minutes
8:58 Roundtable
9:00 Adjourn

Feel free to join us at the meeting or keep up-to-date at:


Let me know if you have any questions!

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