Strawberry Shortcake Dinner and Silent Auction

Past event
Jun 30, 2018, 5 to 6:30 PM

Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the Strawberry Shortcake Dinner and Silent Auction being sponsored by the Wolcott United Methodist Church on June 30 from 5:00 - 6:30pm at the Wolcott Town Hall. The menu will consist of sliced ham, a large variety of summer salads and rolls as well as fresh strawberry shortcake. There will be a large variety of silent auction items, as well, including a very special Antique Mariner's Star Quilt, valued at $1500 with a $1300 minimum bid for all you quilt lovers out there. A portion of the proceeds will go to Lacing Up for Cancer and the remainder to the WUMC's Historic Restoration Fund. Remember the good time everyone had at the Maple Sugar Dinner and plan to come and generate some more community spirit on the 30th!

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