Ethan Allen Homestead Museum 3rd Sunday Lecture

Past event
May 20, 2018, 2 to 3 PM

Ethan Allen Homestead Museum – Sunday, May 20th, 2:00 pm

"The Greensboro Blockhouse Project: The Preliminary Results"

The Bayley-Hazen Military Road, from Newbury to Hazen's Notch, was to provide a speedy conduit for troops to reach southern Canada during the Revolutionary War. Jill Baker and Pat Haslam, authors of The Greensboro Blockhouse Project. An Historical and Archaeological Investigation in Greensboro, Vermont, will present the results of their preliminary investigations of the site considered to be that of the Revolutionary War period blockhouse in Greensboro, Vermont.

Lecture is Free - Donations are appreciated Find us at 802 865-4556
The Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, a 501(C)(3)Organization –is not funded by any local, state or national government but relies on its community of supporters Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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