The first of 5 Open Houses at the Newbury Historical Society will happen this Sunday May 20th at the Society's School House Museum at 155 Tyler Farm Road in West Newbury for 2:00pm - 4:pm
The Newbury Historical Society has a full summer program. 5 Open Houses, 3 Historical Presentations, Story Corps at the Wells River Community Picnic in June, and a booth at the Wells River So Long Summer Hello Festival in September. Our annual meeting will be August 11 after the West Newbury Festival.
For a complete schedule look for our posters around town, or pick up a schedule at the Baldwin or Tenney Libraries or the Town Clerks Office. If you would like a schedule emailed to you, email us at
Thank you for your support.
Mar 12, 2025, 11 AM to 2 PM
Notice of Public HearingMar 12, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
Full Moon Sound Bath Events with Kamalika-KMar 16, 2025, 2:15 to 4 PM