Puerto Rico Collection Drive

Past event
Jun 3, 2018, 11:30 AM to 2 PM

Join the Hinesburg Youth Project as we collect relief supplies for Puerto Rico. During our service trip on June 18-26, we will be distributing collected supplies to those in need in collaboration with Puerto Rico Rises.

Our collection drive will take place on June 3rd from 11:30AM to 2p.m.. Drop off supplies at the United Church of Hinesburg at 10570 VT-116, Hinesburg, VT 05461.

We are collecting the following items (in bold are those needed MOST):

Batteries (especially C and D)
Portable water purification
Solar lanterns/lightsticks
Solar cell phone chargers
Battery/ solar powered radios
Construction tools/materials
Mosquito repellent
Disinfecting wipes
Hand sanitizer
Power inverters
Tampons, pads & liners
Toothbruhes, toothpaste, floss & mouthwash
Canned goods
Canned beans
Canned veggies
Bottled water
Adult/baby diapers
Canned baby formula and baby food

Puerto Rico Rises is our strategic partner in the transportation and distribution of all collected supplies. Their mission, is not only to provide for the needs of the Puerto Rican people, but to also ensure that all donations be delivered directly to the people that need them most, neighborhood by neighborhood.

You can join our efforts and help us ensure we meet the needs of those still living without clean water and power in Puerto Rico. Hinesburg + Puerto Rico = YES!

We are also collecting funds through https://www.youcaring.com/hinesburgyouthproject-1093407. We appreciate your support!

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