The Lamoille Union One Act play participated in the regional Drama Festival last Saturday hosted by Peoples Academy. There were six schools at that festival, celebrating theater all day long. Each school presented their play, participated in forums analyzing each performance, attended workshops, and generally made new friends from Fairfax, Winooski, Stowe, Hardwick, and Morrisville.
At the end of the long day, Lamoille's play "Door to Door" was selected to advance to the Vermont State Drama Festival April 6 and 7 in Springfield! We are very honored by their success and invite you to join them at an Encore Performance of their play, this coming Tuesday April 3 at 7 p.m.
Come see this thoroughly enjoyable one-hour presentation, consisting of eight individual skits covering a range of topics and a range of emotions! Tickets are $5, available at the door.
(Copied from Lamoille Union High Schools Facebook page)
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