March for Our Lives - Montpelier Rally Saturday

Past event
Mar 24, 2018, 12 to 2 PM

This Saturday, March 24th, from noon to 2 PM there is a March for our Lives rally at the Statehouse to support stronger gun / war weapon control legislation in Vermont. This is student organized and student led, though everyone is welcome and I encourage you to spread the word and bring your families.

The March for Our Lives movement is part of a broader, long-lasting movement to demand that our politicians in Vermont start representing the 84% to 97% of us who support stricter gun laws. There are huge majorities in support of this, yet our Vermont politicians (Exhibit A: Senator Dick Sears blocking almost everything in the Judiciary committee or Exhibit B: Bernie Sanders voting for complete immunity for gun makers), still believe the NRA runs the table. Numerically that assumption is wildly incorrect.

A friend of mine who is a politician once told me: "There are only two things a politician cares about. What you can do for us, and what you can do to us."

Come to Montpelier this Saturday to show lawmakers where the majorities are, and spread the word!

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