Burlington Democrats Caucus

Past event
Jan 7, 2018, 12 AM

The Burlington Democrats will be holding our city-wide Mayoral & Ward Nominating Caucus on Sunday, January 7th at the Burlington High School. Registration will take place from 3:30 – 4:30 PM and if you want to participate in any of the day’s votes you must register during this time. Childcare will be provided during the caucus and after voting, we hope you and your family will join us for a community dinner.

To see the full schedule for the Caucus please visit the Burlington Democrats FB page https://www.facebook.com/events/1199229340210684/ or webpage http://www.burlingtondemocrats.org/sunday-january-7th-burlington-democratic-caucus/

Finally, if you are interested in running for mayor, city council, or inspector of elections as a Democratic nominee, please send notification to burlingtondems@gmail.com no later than December 28th at noon. Please include your name, address and the office you are seeking.

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