Landscape Photography by Lee Lilly

Past event
Dec 30, 2013, 9 AM

Come check out this art exhibit at Montpelier Senior Activity Center (MSAC).

Taking pictures is a lifelong passion for Lee Lilly who began when he was 16. Lee started taking films with an 8 mm movie camera of the scenery around Vermont and wherever he travelled with his family. Years later, a class got him seriously interested in still photography. He began to take close-up photos of flowers using slow speed film and a tripod to capture their color and fine detail. Lee and his camera travel great distances by bicycle around Vermont.

Also this week at MSAC, on Friday December 27th from 2-4 pm, get assistance with advance directives at one of our many recurring services offered by friends and partners. Sponsored by the Funeral Consumers Alliance of VT, these sessions (by appointment only, and scheduled at least one day in advance) include information on funeral planning. Forms will be available. Assistance is free, but donations to MSAC are appreciated. Call Mary Alice at 223-8140 for more info.

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