It's property tax time again. For me it always seems to come too soon and too often but nevertheless taxes are due this Thursday, August 15th. Town Office Hours for the week are:
Monday 8-7
Tuesday & Wednesday 8-3
Thursday 8-6
Closed Friday
Payments mailed with a readable USPS postmark of August 15th or earlier are considered on time. Payments placed in the town office drop box before midnight of the due date will also be accepted as on time. Metered mail and internet generated payments do not normally include a postmark so these must arrive in our mailbox by the due date or they will be considered late. Late payments are subject to a monthly 1% interest charge assessed on the 16th of every month in which they remain unpaid. Call or email me with any questions. 434-2032
Dan Stoddard
Huntington Town Treasurer
Feb 6, 2025, 9 AM
Thrive in '25Feb 8, 2025, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Reiki & Restorative Yoga Class February 9thFeb 9, 2025, 7 to 8:15 PM