2nd Bi-Monthly Tour of Energy Eff. Home Under Const.

Past event
Nov 4, 2017, 11 AM to 12 PM

Sat., 11/4, 11 am - 12, noon
Are you interested in building your own Energy Star Home, or, as a contractor, architect, and future Energy Efficient home owner, wanting to learn more about it?
Dylan Kinsey, of Kinsey Construction, S. Albany, and the Craftsbury and Glover Energy Committees are offering a series of monthly workshops as Dylan and his wife, Eleanor, build their own home and their neighbor’s Energy Star home. Both homes follow Efficiency Vermont's “High Performance” home criteria, one step higher than the Energy Star “Base Level”.
The second bi-monthly tour is Sat., 11/4, 11 am - 12, at their neighbor’s house: 96 Richardson Rd, Albany, Vt.
The roof is on, windows are in! Come and see the beginning stages of an Energy Efficient, High Performance Home under construction with conventional and new materials, their applications, and R-value’s and air sealing focuses.
Both homes will feature electric Mini-Split Heat Pumps as the primary heat, Heat Recovery Ventilation units for fresh air, Heat Pump Water Heaters, and photovoltaic arrays to reach net-zero total energy use. Both houses have full concrete basements with double stud-style upper walls.
Please, serious inquires only. We need to respect Dylan’s time.
For info on Efficiency Vt. incentives for new Energy Star construction up to $2,000 for High Performance homes go to: www.efficiencyvermont.com
For more info go to www.kinseyconstruction.net/ or, to receive the Craftsbury Energy Committee’s email notifications of upcoming Energy-related events, contact CraftsburyEnergyCommittee@gmail.com

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