We are welcoming Détournement Majeur for an evening of traditional music from Quebec at our home. This is a group of three amazing musicians, collaborating to bring back to life a really great musical project! Quebeçois musicians Jean-François Bélanger (guitar) and André Marchand (guitar, feet and vocals), and Vermont legend Pete Sutherland (piano, banjo and fiddle) are touring New England this month to celebrate the re-release of a classic album originally produced 25 years ago. There will be a potluck dinner at 6pm, and the concert is at 7pm. Contact Tracy at 802-223-1234 or taloysen@aol.com for reservations, directions and/or more information.
From the website: In 1991, Jean-Paul Loyer and André Marchand released Détournement Majeur, a collection of instrumental music played on the guitar featuring traditional tunes from Quebec as well as compositions by the two members of the duo. American multi-instrumentalist Pete Sutherland was invited to build arrangements around the guitar tracks, while always keeping them as the focus. The resulting album was produced in small quantities and quickly sold out. Since then, the few copies in circulation have attained mythical status, being passed from one listener to another over the years. After a 25-year detour, thanks to the efforts of Les Productions de l’Homme-Renard, Détournement Majeur is finally available again.
To hear tune samples, visit http://www.detournementmajeur.com/en/home/
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