Cracking the Codes: Video on Racial Inequity

Past event
Oct 19, 2017, 6:30 to 8 PM

You are invited to a video screening and facilitated conversation about the movie: "Cracking the Codes: The system of Racial Inequity." On Thursday October 19, 6:30 - 8 pm at Pacem School, 32 College Street, in Schulmaier Hall on the VCFA Campus.

Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity is a film from racial equity educator and filmmaker Shakti Butler that asks America to talk about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity. Its stories are real life examples of how race and racism operated in the United States and the unwitting part we all play, personally and culturally. The film is built to encourage facilitated dialog. Folks often leave the experience with a deeper understanding, asking new questions and with inspiration to engage in change. This free event is open to folks of all ages interested in discussing racial inequity.

More information about this event is at

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