Hinesburg Land Trust Stone Soup Supper - Sept. 23

Past event
Sep 23, 2017, 6 to 7:30 PM

Stone Soup Supper – Community Supper Celebrates Local Agriculture, Supports Hinesburg Food Shelf

An important part of the work of the Hinesburg Land Trust is to facilitate the conservation of agricultural land in Hinesburg to ensure that farming will continue to be a vibrant part of our local landscape and economy. Author, poet, activist, and farmer Wendell Berry says that “eating is an agricultural act”, and in this eating as an agricultural act we connect to and support our community – and what better way to celebrate this and the pleasures of eating tasty food than at the Stone Soup Supper during Hinesburg’s Annual Fall Festival!

The Stone Soup Supper is put on each year by the Hinesburg Land Trust (HLT) and features a menu of salads, soups, and sweet treats prepared with the bountiful harvest of local farmers and gardeners. Many of the menu ingredients are purchased by HLT from Hinesburg farms. The proceeds from the Supper benefit the Hinesburg Food Shelf which serves the towns of Hinesburg, St. George, Huntington, Monkton, Shelburne, and Charlotte. From the farm to the community supper table and food shelf, the Stone Soup Supper highlights how conservation of productive agricultural landscapes can directly benefit our local economy and community.

Come join us on Saturday September 23rd from 6-7:30 at the Osborne Parish Hall for delicious food, neighborly conversation, and music! Tickets on sale in advance or at the door. Adults $10; children $5; children under 5 are free. We hope to see you there!

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