Please join us at the The Round Church in Richmond, VT on Sunday, September 3 at 10:00 AM for the 92nd annual Round Church Pilgrimage Service. As we worship in the Old Round Church, we join with our forebears who started this tradition in 1925, and have held it annually since (with the exception of 1932). Richmond Congregational Church, UCC is the sponsor of the event and we are joined by Sally Singer from the Richmond Historical Society.
The RCC Choir, under the direction of Esther Nui, will offer two variations on “By the Waters of Babylon.” Brian Kessler will offer accompaniment on guitar, and Jen Greenwood on organ. Hymns include: Shall We Gather at the River, As I Went Down to the River to Pray, Our Church’s One Foundation, and God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Rev. Katelyn Macrae will offer a short sermon on the topic “Love is a Verb.”
A special offering will be taken for Hurricane Harvey Relief. All donations will be used by United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries to directly assist with the short term and anticipated long term relief efforts.
We hope you will join us for the service!
Mar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
The Many Meanings of MapleMar 12, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Shakespeare Group - Second MeetingMar 14, 2025, 2 to 3 PM