Dear Neighbors,
Local midwives Chelsea Blackwell and Hannah Allen will be showing a portion of the documentary 'Half the Sky' at the Hunger Mountain Co-op next Thursday 12/5 from 5-7pm.
This documentary is based on the book of the same name by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wu Dun who take an in depth look at the state of women world wide. We will be showing two segments of the film. While the film is not graphic in imagery, the spoken content is heavy. We are not recommending children attend for this reason. Half the Sky tackles some very disturbing issues for women and children, but it also comes from a foundation of belief in the strength and resilience of these communities and has many remarkable and uplifting messages.
The Hunger Mountain Co-op.
12/5 5-7pm
Don't forget about the upcoming benefit concert (details below)- a week full of culture in Central Vermont!
Mothers, Childbirth and Children- a Scrag Mountain Music recital to benefit the Vermont Midwives Association. A voice recital exploring the various expressions and experiences of birth, motherhood, and life with young children.
12/6 7pm First Light Studios, Randolph
12/8 4pm Unitarian Church, Montpelier
Mar 6, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM
All Recovery MeetingMar 11, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Earth Circle - The Start of SpringMar 12, 2025, 7 to 8 PM