Lecture: Woof! What is the Dog Saying?

Past event
Jun 1, 2017, 6 to 7 PM

June 1, 6–7pm (Williston)
Registration/Cost: $5 per family.
Pre-registration A FEW DAYS IN ADVANCE is required (only one family member is required to register).
https://www.willistonrec.org/info/default.aspx or (802) 876-1160

Is a yawn always just a yawn? Why does a dog shake off even when it’s not wet? Why is a growl actually a good thing? Is a tail wag always friendly? This is Gold Star Dog Training's popular, long-running dog communication and safety lecture—a multi-media extravaganza of fun where the audience also gets to test their "dog reading" skills.

In an hour, we’ll demystify dog communication, reveal some common dog-human misunderstandings, and explore how we can all live safely and happily together. (Shhhh…this is for humans only…dogs must be left at home!)

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