Movement Classes & Events at The Everything Space

Past event
Jun 20, 2017, 5:30 to 8:30 PM

Hello! The Everything Space is a somatic education and movement studio located right in downtown Montpelier. Please view our upcoming workshops, classes and events!

Sat, May 27, 9:30am – 11:00am: Improv Dance Lab: A Co-Created Peer Group
Bring your curiosities, deepen your practice and make time to play in this co-created group for folks passionate about improvisational dance. Together we will choose scores to focus our dancing which may include explorations in contact improv, authentic movement, choreography, solo & group structures. As inspired, we will weave in art, music, writing, and/or voice. Let yourself loose and follow your natural impulses in this group for focused fun. $5 - 10 sliding scale. Please register and view details:

Sat. June 3, 3:30pm & Sunday June 4, 11:30am & 3:30pm: Breathing the Stone: An Embodied Remembering - A Woven Body Choir Performance with Amanda Franz and Heidi Wilson held at Dreamland in Worcester, VT.
A site specific performance, sounding and moving our aliveness and connection with the land. Singing the clear water, breathing the mountain, dancing the great turning. This outdoor performance traverses the woods and fields of Dreamland in Worcester, VT, inviting all present into a deeper awareness of how the stories unfolding around us are taking place within our bodies, our bones and blood. $10 - 30 suggested donation, kids free. Please register and view details:

Tues., June 20, 5:30 - 8:30pm: Mindful Eating Potluck & Authentic Relating Games with Abbi Jaffe, Lisa Mase, Ryan McArdle, part of our Community Practices of Resilience (CPR).
Every month The Everything Space hosts CPR and donates half of the donations to a local organization. This month we are raising money for Black Lives Matter Vermont. Learn more at We hope you will join us.
5:30-6:30pm: Mindful Eating Potluck with Abbi Jaffe and Lisa Mase (Harmonized Cookery)
6:30-8pm: Authentic Relating Games with Ryan McArdle
8:00-8:30: Optional dancing/movement/time to stretch
*Feel free to come just for the potluck or just for the games.
To register and view details:

**Weekly classes at The Everything Space. Most classes are trauma-informed and drop-in unless otherwise noted:**

Natural Fitness- Tuesdays 5:30pm, please register with
"Develop full body strength. All levels. Train to be ready to move dynamically with ease." By donation. Please register and view details here:

Contact Improv Fundamentals Class- Wednesdays 6-7pm
"Each class will focus on one aspect of being in contact, safety, how to listen and the art / practice of body communication." $8 - 15 sliding scale. Details:

Contact Improv Jams- Wednesdays 7-8:30pm
"Come and improvise with your full self. Join a welcoming community." $5 - 10 sliding scale. Details:

Acro Yoga with Lori Flower- Thursdays 6:30 - 7:45pm, $12.
Learn more at Beginner friendly. No partner necessary. Contact Lori at


Amanda & Abbi

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