Ember Hill Farm Sale - Blueberries & Edible Perennials

Past event
May 13, 2017, 10 AM to 8 PM

**Ember Hill Farm Plant Sale - Blueberries & Edible Perennials** - Saturday 5/13 and 5/20 - 10am til dark
(RAIN or SHINE!) 514 Howes Rd - Moretown - Contact: Brian & Emily 802-989-0570 cell/text

Our family has launched a fledgling family business, Ember Hill Farm. We specialize in organically grown blueberries and a variety of perennial fruit, nut and medicine producing trees and shrubs for home gardeners, schools, small businesses and permaculture. Currently, we are primarily offering plants in ~1-2 gallon pots, starting at $20-30 per plant. (See plant list below)

We are now open by appointment for the 2017 season (call/text 802-989-0570 anytime). And on Saturday 5/13 and Saturday 5/20, from 10am til dark, we'll be hosting our first Ember Hill Farm Plant Sale. We are located at 514 Howes Rd in Moretown, VT. **Please drive slowly**, park on the road, and walk in via our driveway. We have carts for hauling plants. Thanks! - Brian, Emily, Maiana & Lenora

Current plants available for Spring 2017:
- blueberries (3-4 yr old plants; 5 varieties)
- currants (black and red)
- gooseberries (various)
- honeyberries/haskap/blue honeysuckle (various)
- seaberry (various)
- bush cherry
- serviceberry/saskatoon
- mulberry
- wild goose plums
- goji berry
- aronia
- horseradish
- variety of 2 yr old nut trees (oak, chestnut, hazelnut/filbert)
- various ornamental perennials (lilac, etc)

Please feel free to call/text anytime for more info: 802-989-0570. Please visit us on FB, too, at www.facebook.com/emberhillfarm for regular updates. We also welcome custom orders for plants for later this spring or for 2018, and we're happy to help you source anything you might be seeking.


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