10th Annual Touch-A-Truck

Past event
May 6, 2017, 9 to 11 AM

Mark your calendars for Colchester's 10th Annual Touch-A-Truck event! Join us at the Colchester High School Parking Lot on Saturday, May 6 to explore the big trucks and specialized vehicles from many of our local organizations. Quiet time (no sirens) is 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM, and from 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM sirens and air horns may be used.

This is a FREE, all ages family event, held rain or shine!

Thank you to the following organizations who have CONFIRMED to be at this year's event: Blue Flame Gas, Colchester Center Volunteer Fire Company, Colchester Dept. of Public Works, Colchester Police, Colchester Rescue & Tech Rescue, Courtland Construction, Demag Riggers & Crane, DJ's Tree Service, Jack Bitter's 1950 Dodge Power Wagon, LCATV's Mobile Lab, Malletts Bay Fire Department, Mountain Transit, Sam Mazza's Farm Market, SD Ireland, St. Michael's College Fire Dept., Vermont State Police, and Vox AM/FM Radio Stations! More trucks could even be added by 5/6!

Colchester Police will also be hosting a Car Seat Inspection Day at the High School during Touch-A-Truck, so be sure to stop in and ensure your child's car seat is properly installed in your vehicle.

For more information, contact the Colchester Parks & Recreation Department at 802-264-5640 or visit http://colchestervt.gov/361/Touch-a-Truck

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