North Williston Road Multimodal Scoping Study - Local Concerns Meeting
Williston Selectboard – Town Hall Meeting Room
Tuesday May 2, 2017 at 8:00 PM
The Town of Williston Department of Public Works, with technical assistance from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and transportation planning consultant RSG, invite the community to join the Selectboard on Tuesday May 2, 2017 at 8:00 PM in the Town Hall Meeting Room to plan the future of North Williston Road. The project seeks to examine the roadway for improvements to the drainage system and transportation network, including motor vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle travel.
This Local Concerns Meeting is the first public meeting in the project, giving the community the opportunity to identify any existing challenges and express your vision for the roadway. To prepare for the meeting, consider your travel behavior along North Williston Road and how this experience can be improved: do you primarily drive the corridor? Is traffic a problem, and where? Do you walk or bike on the road? If so, are there areas to be improved? If not, why don’t you walk or bike? Do you want to? What would encourage more walking and biking? Do you notice flooding or washouts? Are there recurring frost heaves or potholes? Where, and why?
We are collecting comments from an online mapping tool – please go to and share your comments online, before or after the meeting. If you’re unable to attend on May 2, please still share your thoughts via this map or by contacting Jason Charest at 802-861-0127 or
In accordance with provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended, the CCRPC will ensure public meeting sites are accessible to all people. Requests for free interpretive or translation services, assistive devices, or other requested reasonable accommodations, should be made to Emma Vaughn, CCRPC Title VI Coordinator, at 802-846-4490 ext. 21 or, at least 3 business days prior to the meeting for which services are requested.
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