Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series is Under Way!

Past event
Apr 15, 9 PM to 9 PM, Apr 18, 2017

One of the most talked about topics for new parents is whether to vaccinate their baby or not.

The same is true for school-age kids and seniors too...

It has been a hot button topic for some time now, with proponents on both sides of the issue advocating strongly in the media for their position. Finally, someone is diving deep to explore both of these sides and unpack the complexities so anyone can really find the answers that they have.

Vaccines are widely regarded as a fantastic medical advancement that helps prevent widespread disease.

But on the other hand, there are legitimate concerns about their safety, with many parents reporting their child may have been injured or permanently damaged in some way from a reaction to a vaccine.

Certainly, you’ve heard the news in the past few years about whether vaccines cause autism. It’s been back and forth in the news for years, with new data popping up recently raising more questions...

The team over at The Truth About Vaccines has a docu-series streaming for free online until April 18th. Over 60 experts from both sides of the issue were interviewed for this seven day series and I was one of them. I haven't seen it all yet, so I am not sure how much ended up on the cutting room floor, but I hope you'll tune in to see what I have to say!

And next weekend there will be a Q/A session so you can submit any questions to the TTAV team that you have personally about this complex issue.

If you have already have been watching since it started on Wednesday night, you know how in depth they are going with all sides of this and if you haven't had a chance to see any of this yet, you can go here to get your free access:

or to my website

Regardless of where you stand, it’s time to get to the bottom of it, because many parents are caught in the middle, without the proper information and education on how to make the best decision for their child.

To your health,

Dr. Heather Rice

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