Montpelier City Council to Major Revisions to Zoning

Past event
Mar 22, 2017, 6:30 to 9 PM

I'd like to make everyone aware that the City Council plans to take up the revised zoning bylaws proposed by the planning commission on Wednesday. I recently joined the planning commission and I'm proud of the great work that had been done in the years before I joined, which got us to the proposed bylaws that will be discussed this Wednesday.

I know that a lot of people in town are concerned about the lack of housing stock in Montpelier. I personally know several families who are trying to buy a home here, or find affordable rent, and are shocked by the current market. I've also heard from fellow Montpelier residents that they would like to see Montpelier's planning better reflect the residents' economic and environmental values (put simply, we do not want to see sprawl in our region, we like to walk, and we understand that having more people in the city means more people share in paying for the services we want).

I think the proposed bylaws that will be discussed on Wednesday put us on the path that the majority of residents want to see (although we have plenty of work to do help foster smart growth). For example, the proposed zoning bylaws encourage opportunities for housing and development by reducing parking requirements and increasing permitted and conditional uses. They also ensure that any new developments protect neighborhood character by employing compatible design, similar building footprints, and setbacks.

Please come out and let the Council know what you think our planning priorities should be. You can find the proposed bylaws on the city's website.

The March 22 agenda can be found at:

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