Come Try Warrior Conditioning at SFH Feb. 17

Past event
Feb 17, 2017

Flip tires! Climb walls! Carry buckets of stone! Yes, you CAN do all this—and more—at Warrior Conditioning, a hybrid group fitness class for all ages and fitness levels. Lose weight, improve your overall fitness, and increase your stamina, balance, coordination and endurance along the way. Surprise yourself by what you can do!

What are some of our activities? Dynamic warm-up drills, push-ups, air squats, lunges, sit-ups, ladder foot coordination, crawling, stair running, traverse wall, sledge-hammering, dragging, and flipping tires, strength training, ski drills, triceps dips, pull-ups, battle rope, jump rope, carrying buckets of stone and hula hooping.

Join the Green Mountain Warriors from 5:45 to 6:45 a.m. Fridays at the Shelburne Field House. Current Warrior Conditioning session: February 17 to April 24 (9 weeks left): First class FREE; $108/9 sessions for SFH members; $126/9 sessions non-members; $15 drop-in fee. Rates prorate weekly. Contact Coach Rayne: 802-316-7142 &

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